Roles and Responsibilities

What are the ethical considerations here

What are the ethical considerations here

There are many types of “jobs” that carry particular duties and responsibilities. Some are so traditional, and the titles even more so, that after a time little attention is given to comprehending what it means to seek or accept that position. Some relate to being a Director of a corporation (or even an officer) or within an organization. Still others are associated with being part of an Advisory Board or of an Executive Committee. It’s important to know what these positions are, what it means to hold that position so that there can be appreciation of the scope and depth of involvement in the body and thereby be regarded as effectively executing those duties.

One of the more innocuous titles is that of being a god parent. It’s a role that typically happens in our early years. To some it’s simply an endearment to a friend as well as a demonstration of going through a type of rite of passage into maturity and adulthood. The duties and responsibilities are either not considered or ignored in deference to being able to hold the position in the life of the new person.

It’s interesting that some churches have a ceremony for accepting new members wherein the congregation recites a vow of responsibility to the new member. The vow is extremely similar to that of taking on the role of being a god parent to the inductee – whether a newborn or an adult. Unfortunately in the long run, the words are just that, mere words read aloud and then forgotten. The duties and responsibilities aren’t attended to but the ceremonial mantle endures. Perhaps, as the years pass, the title still brings a certain amount of esteem to the bearer – but little else.

Time to examine what it means to be a god parent.

Part of the baptismal vow the candidate takes says:

Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you
to resist evil, injustice, and oppression
in whatever forms they present themselves?

To which the appropriate response is, “I do.”

In turn, the congregation also participates in promising to nurture and support the candidate. This is the same vow that the god parents make at baptism and in part reads:

Will you nurture these children (persons)
in Christ’s holy Church,
that by your teaching and example they may be guided
to accept God’s grace for themselves,
to profess their faith openly,
and to lead a Christian life?

The appropriate response is, “We will.”

The vows conclude as follows:

Will you nurture one another in the Christian faith and life
and include these persons now before you in your care?
With God’s help we will proclaim the good news
and live according to the example of Christ.
We will surround these persons
with a community of love and forgiveness,
that they may grow in their trust of God,
and be found faithful in their service to others.
We will pray for them,
that they may be true disciples
who walk in the way that leads to life?

The appropriate response is, “We will.”

Advisory Board and Executive Committee

There are a few bodies that provide guidance but are not part of the actual functional arms of an organization. One is called an Advisory Board. It is not one of the arms of an organization that authorizes or confirms actions of the entity nor does it ratify contracts. It merely provides guidance from the various areas of expertise and insights developed by its members. It is a body of advisers who provide additional knowledge for the sake of making good strategic decisions.

On the other hand, an Executive Committee carries duties conferred on its members by the organizations’s Board of Directors and on behalf of that body. Those duties, and the attendant limitations, need to be carefully considered and defined as that portion of the entity is formed. Selection of members for it should be done based on the candidate’s background, knowledge, expertise, and association with business concepts and practices that will guide them in making sound decisions on behalf of the organization.

What the Role Entails

No matter what the title is, the underlying and driving reasons for it, the purpose it is to provide to the stakeholders needs to be understood before accepting the role and embarking on successfully fulfilling its requirements with maturity as well as the requisite professionalism in accordance with the role. The outcomes are significant. The lack of fulfillment can be stark.


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