The Talk

This morning’s news featured an interview of a very attractive and articulate young (30s) professional Black woman and her male complement. They talked about this week’s tensions. They talked about having “the talk” with their children. They noted that the conversation needs to happen as early as possible and in age appropriate vocabulary and concepts.

The talk in these times is not the one about dating and sex. Today the talk in Black families and families that are comprised of individuals who can be considered part of the African Diaspora, is about how to handle yourself when in the presence of peace officers or in public places outside of a Black ghetto. I’ve not been involved in these types of conversations but it doesn’t take a lot to intuit what it covers. As the years have passed since the Civil Rights Era, experiences have grown and awareness was spat in my face. There are some people who will hate you simply because they have been conditioned to do so over the years. It has nothing to do with you, personally, as much as it has to do with the color of your skin and the stereotypes associated with having that form of identity.

But Life is full. There are many things that pull at your attention that are of a higher priority than a genetic adaptation that has absolutely nothing to do with the character of the person within the shell that carries them. Nevertheless, there are far too many times when that adaptation along with the stereotypes that were created because of historic exclusion and denial make attention to one’s physical presence the priority. It should not be that way.

How do you tell a child that it isn’t okay to go to the playground without a parent or adult present? It takes a lot of explaining about why one child may play with a red clear plastic water gun while romping in their yard or in a park while another child will be mistaken as a potential shooter. It takes even more explanation about why a police officer is justified in shooting a ten-year-old child in the back several times merely because of a plastic toy. Oh, now I understand. Certain children are not allowed to play and have toys. Certain children are not allowed to enjoy Life. We are told, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence does not function for them.

Colored Entrance

Have we returned to the pre-Civil Rights America?

How do you tell a child that because of the color of their skin, someone will decide that they are dangerous and anything they do will be construed as a threat to the general public? It should not be part of a child’s education about them or their history that they are inherently not intelligent and therefore unqualified for anything except the most menial. They should not learn that it is acceptable for their creations, their ideas, their work to be claimed by others and their input given no acknowledgement whatsoever. To teach them that is the same as teaching them that they were destroyed at the instant they took their first breath. It’s the same as telling them they are value-less. I have to wonder where society would be were it not for those “value-less” contributions to so many industries by those unqualified dangerous ones.

Why should it be necessary to have that type of conversation with any child? The simple response is it should not be necessary. In fact, there should be no reason to have these types of conversations. It should not be necessary to teach a child that what they wear will determine whether or not they are dangerous. If the owner and found of Facebook can wear a hoodie with impunity, anyone should have the same choice.

To be certain, it is very important to have a conversation about grooming and appropriate dress for certain venues.

However, the talk needs to veer toward the important things in Life and leading a productive one. The talk needs to be about staying focused on what is most important for accomplishing the task, reaching the goal, making a point in conversation so that one’s positive abilities are accentuated. Those abilities include being responsible, having solid emotional intelligence, knowing how to make good choices based on good research and asking the right questions of the right people.


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Surviving in a Fundamentalist Environment

The issues related to The Shutdown are put to bed until January – when they’ll need to be revisited and hashed out again. We started getting nervous about how we as a nation would function and how we would derive the services (once taken for granted) to keep us a civilized place. We wondered how we would be able to survive without becoming homeless, bankrupt, hungry. How were we to send messages, ship goods, have our streets and rubbish handled, and many other things.

Then there was the matter of passports and clearances, licenses issued, and enforcement of laws. We take it for granted that there is a government and all of those matters will be handled by government.

But Wall Street kept ticking along as though there was full faith and credit even when we, as a population, did not see it. Of course! We could fall back to our fundamentalism and simply do these things for ourselves rather than wait on our parent government to supply the hand to empower.

There are two series on television that propose to show us what will happen when government dissolves and leaves us at our own means. Those shows are “Revolution” and “Under the Dome.” These both portray civilization devolving into savagery and warfare for the sake of waging war and killing. Few can trust anyone else. Deals are struck, but it’s a matter of what happens when the parties leave the room as to the endurance of the deal. Enforcement of the terms is a matter of who wins the next skirmish or battle.

Throughout all of the experiences of the citizens, no one is concerned about the simple things that make Life endurable. Who is making soap? Although they keep writing messages on sheets of paper and making signs, there’s no thought to how after 20 or more years that paper is still being produced, let alone ink for writing or sign making. No one is concerned about making new clothing, even though what existed 20 years ago has probably rotted by our introduction to the landscape. And what about toilet paper? Of course, for some reason there’s ample foliage so leaves are available.

Who is developing the chemicals to make medicines for the many health ailments? But then, in a land where it’s a matter of survival of the fittest, perhaps there is no longer a need for medicines. As cheap as life is is the times of these places, perhaps all those with ailments and disabilities were executed so they wouldn’t get in the way.

On Revolution, there is still heavy use of bullets. We’re not told how casings and powder are being produced in order to make new bullets. We’re not told how new guns are being manufactured. They’re just there and waiting to be used with abandon.

Some of the warriors have made bows and arrows. It’s unclear how they have time to craft new ones. There’s nothing that’s telling us how they’re putting together the implements to make knives. And although they are living in very complex structures, we’re not given privy to how stone and mortar is being ground and formed to make building blocks and new buildings. Nor are we shown how these people are felling trees and refining the lumber to make planks and building pieces.

Cooking implements must be around. But no one seems to be focused on making them. No one, in fact, seems to be focused on the exchange of money or goods at all.

It isn’t clear who is manufacturing the uniforms and shoes nor how they’re getting the needles to make them. But maybe Rumpelstiltskin is among their numbers and he manufactures these things on their behalf.

They only focus on the power. That seems to be the gasoline for everything in either of our fictional settings and during The Shutdown. Power is the sole focus. Who has it determines what is done, who does it, and who is held in check until they learn to siphon it or steal it. Woe to those who have none or so little that it barely matters to anyone.

Are these two shows telling us what to expect in January and each next iteration of The Shutdown? It appears we will forget about all forms of commerce and will live by less than fundamental means.

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The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Army Survival Skills, Tactics, and Techniques

Return to Work Conversations

Robin Roberts interviews Will Smith on Navy carrier On January 14, Robin Roberts (host of Good Morning America) made a scheduled announcement about her health status. She’s been away on medical leave since August 2012 because of a rare bone marrow disease. With all the brouhaha on January 13 to entice viewers to tune in and learn what the news would be, in addition to the smiles on every face that pronounced the upcoming announcement, it was a foregone conclusion that it involved something with regard to imminent return to work. And it was.

While the news about her return to work was celebratory for all, Robin talked about some of the expected and probably didn’t realize she also disclosed unexpected information. Most people diagnosed with and treated for a major illness are put on some degree of disability and remain in that status for the rest of their lives. They become part of the 47% that Romney and Ryan spoke during the 2012 campaign who subsist on entitlements and expect a handout in order to survive in an economy with increasing inflation and little real money. There are few exceptions where there is a discussion about return to work; there are fewer about accommodations in order to make that a possibility.

Robin talked about the partnership of her doctors and care providers had with regard to formulating a plan for how she will transition from being ill to gradually working her way back to the studio and full time work. She outlined the stepped process and the various types of subtle dangers of being in the studio and under the lights. She shared conversations about regaining her energy. She will not be left floundering for answers and searching for what may be appropriate and safe in the way of accommodations during her early days of work resumption and progressing to “normal” life.

Viewing Robin’s announcement and the recitation of her recovery and re-entry regimen could cause some with jaded healthcare perspectives to feel she is receiving privileged treatment. Some have the opinion that because she’s already in front of the camera as part of her livelihood and career, that there’s a foregone conclusion that she will be returning to work, not sidelined as disabled. Her non-visible disability, albeit temporary, does not color her employment opportunities nor her right to work and earn a living.

There are those who suffer from non-visible impairments but they are not counseled in clear and specific terms about what accommodations are required for them to resume full, meaningful employment in their chosen profession. Few are counseled about what to do or what restrictions could apply to them as it relates to their line of work.

My health issue focus of choice is coronary conditions. It could easily be other non-visible conditions such as back injury, emphysema, or venous stasis ulcers. Because the heart is so central to our well being but impairments of the organ are not visible, it is my focus. There are scales for measuring disability and whether a person is still employable. There is a presumption that the disability scale for physical activity is used by doctors in order to determine whether it’s feasible for a person to look forward to returning to full time work, with or without restrictions. Does that conversation happen so that the patient is aware of all of the options available to them? If they’re well below retirement age, they’re not savoring the idea of spending the rest of their life subsisting on social Security Disability Income and restrictions on whether or not they may work. Even if they are able to find various types of employment, they’re at a loss when it comes to truthfully responding to the question, “Are you able to satisfactorily perform the principle duties of this position with or without moderate accommodations?” And if they respond that they will probably need some accommodations, the question of which and what types of accommodations should be requested comes into play.

In addition to the activity scale, there is also the disabling conditions scale that covers a large number of issues. Our focus today relates to Cardiovascular Disorders. There are eight subsections of that type of disease and all have different ratings with regard to level of disability of an individual. It is possible for a person to have more than one condition co-existing with others.

How many suffer heart attack

How many people are suffering heart attack in the u.s every year? According to, there are 1,255,000 heart attacks per year in the United States. This includes new heart attacks as well as recurring heart attacks. In the United States about 1.5 million Americans suffer a heart attack every year, from which as many as 500,000 die. I could not locate information about the number of individuals who survive heart attack and return to work.

What I could find, however, is individuals do return to work after heart attack. In fact, ehealthMD offers a very detailed article about Living After A Heart Attack that includes information about a sensible return, timing, as well as not often covered information about cardiac rehabilitation. What is it like to live every day with Heart Attack? Read real life accounts from people living with this condition can be found in an article on the condition at

So this leads to how many suffer from congestive heart failure (CHF) and the number of those survivors who return to work. According to Staying in Shape, there are approximately 5 million Americans who suffer from the disease. Although their information is quite extensive, they do not answer the question about the number who return to work after being diagnosed with CHF. However, their article is dense with information about various other related matters as well as rehabilitation therapy.

There are guidelines for patients who suffer from heart failure and desire to return to work. The Job Accommodation Network (called JAN) has an accommodation series that includes heart conditions. It would be wise to refer to that resource first when seeking guidance on what to do in order to accommodate a worker with a heart condition. It therefore appers a return to work is not out of the question and in certain conditions can be done with success. Another place where guidelines for restriction and accommodation guidance regarding health condition can be found on MDGuidelines. There is advice available for the patient in regard to the advisability of returning to work full time available in many places. One of them is Heart Failure Matters.

Most of the language relating to heart attack and CHF put the two conditions into the same category of heart failure and heart disease. The information, in most respects, about after care, prognosis, and recommendations is similar.

What is worth noting is the fact that most people are 100% invested in their physician and rely on their professional to tell them what they need to know. Survivors and their families don’t ask questions. When they are put on total, 100% disability, there are no questions about returning to work, extent of activities that are acceptable (except for sex), life expectancy, medications and what they do, alternative treatments. The physician takes it for granted that if there are no questions the patient has all of the information they need and will ask if there’s something that needs clarification. Additionally, the physician is focused on the condition, not the person, and their focus remains in that area. People are living in a sea of being uneducated and possible risk for another attack that didn’t need to happen.

What all of this means is be proactive with regard to your health condition. It may not be visible but it is definitely real and it is mandatory that it be handled and managed properly. A dismissive physician, when it comes to questions about the condition and management of it, is not serving your needs. Form a healthy partnership with your medical practitioners. Find someone who will communicate with you in an understandable fashion. Find someone who will have not only your health condition but also you in the upper parts of their mind and concern.


Sponsored Link: Heart Failure: Evaluation and Care of Patients With Left-Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (Clinical Practice Guideline Number 11)

Who Moved My Blog?

So there I was, racing about doing this and doing that, striving to meet this deadline and that, overcoming what appeared to be insurmountable obstacles and hardships — and doing it! — and all other manner of super-human accomplishments. And then, just as when you’re running at beyond record-breaking speed and trip and fall, I came to a sudden halt. It was like having all the wind sucked out of you. It was like hitting a brick wall. It was like trying to run through a metal restraining wire in the middle of the night. You go nowhere but bend over in half from the abruptness of the stop.

The last time I was at The Desk of Yvonne LaRose, was on May 30 and I’d posted something to do with changes. Then Paris Hilton started with her spoiled brat, priviledged child shenanigans. The ultimate was learning that the very forward-thinking matter of having a court hearing via teleconference was Paris’ idea and not that of the court. It was time to express the outrage at her audacity. Oops! That blog post could not be made. Well, it must be that the hussy, Paris, moved my blog. Hmmmph! How dare she?!? I’ll just give her a piece of my mind, that’s what I’ll do. That is, that’s what I’ll do after I find my blog.

Well, since that date in early June, I’ve attended to the business matters for which I was being held accountable, done my webinar, completed the finishing touches on the wrap-up, thanked numerous people, followed up on pending messages, addressed the County Board of Supervisors regarding the conditions at Harbor General Hospital, and sent inquiries to several places about where I might find my blog.

In response to one inquiry sent to Jobster’s support desk, I received a response saying if there was any further information they could provide, I could feel free to get in touch. There was no answer to the question about the location of the blog. I searched the website for a name of some human to contact about blogs or a phone number or email to use to make an inquiry. None could be found. I did the same with the Jobster site since Jobster took over I had the same results with searching the Jobster site.

It must be that I’m not very good at what I do — research, stealth searches for elusive and arcane information that will unlock the truths of the generations. At least, that’s how this situation feels.

I was warned back in mid-April (I think), that the subdomain blogs were not going to be supported any more and that I needed to start moving my blog. The message was acknowledged with a response asking for reminders when time was running out and speculating on when the cut-off date would be. There was no response. There were no reminders. But when I made that last post, there was a notice splayed across the entire face of the template. It said something about the upgrades that were being made for the sake of the blogging satisfaction of the constituents. It went on to talk about the servers were going to be moved. Then it instructed that those whose blog was being hosted should use a CNAME tag to redirect the URL but if the blog was a subdomain, the blogger need do nothing. Yes, I’m smart. I sent a note to Support asking what that message meant. I acknowledged that I was a subdomain and asked if I still needed to do the CNAME tag and redirect. If so, I said I needed instructions on how to do that. There was no response.

Could it be that brat Paris posted that warning message just to throw me off guard? Stinker! She’s probably hiding my blog until she can con me out of several million dollars and my undying admiration for her whatever. Nope. She’s not getting it. But in the meantime, there were posts that people were searching for. There were posts that brought readers to the blog from the U.N. There was information that university professors pointed to and recommended their classes consider. There was content that related to some of the business that I needed to complete. There were guest posts that were really outstanding.

This isn’t the first time I’ve had content get zapped. So the effect wasn’t like having polar ice water sprayed in your face in sub-thermal temperatures, making it feel as though you’ve got microscopic pins striking like ouzi bullets. This is definitely not the first time I’ve needed to make a determination about rebuilding and then doing so (what a waste of time moving backward is!). But I’d really like to move forward and stop this foolishness.

What am I going to do? I’ve already taken the second step. The Pundit is here. It will have some of the content from The Desk of Yvonne LaRose. Other parts will pobably be put on my other two blogs. The career and coaching posts will go to The Desk. Case studies, reviews, and maybe things that relate to ethics will go to The Consultant’s Desk. Or maybe things relating to ethics, management, communication, leadership, and the many other issues discussed on The Desk of Yvonne LaRose will come to The Pundit. Or maybe I’ll just put all of that stuff into a book and profit off my laboring and love (such drama!).

Yes, I still know how to laugh at Life’s situations and at myself.

Welcome to The Pundit. We’ll see how the fate of the content from The Desk of Yvonne LaRose evolves. Meanwhile, this is where my “fair comment” house has moved. Enjoy and talk back.