Developing the Environment

Let's Make America Great Again

Let’s Make America Great Again

Facebook keeps prompting me with, “What’s on your mind, Yvonne?” What’s on my mind? After all the blustery posturing, the news of the Singapore Summit leaves me skeptical. Especially suspicious is the aligning of the two principal personalities. What’s on my mind is all of this is simply a fantastic drama with us as the players being used as pawns. We have no significance except to aide in the playing out of the drama and entertainment – a bit of showmanship to prove who is the greater master.

Recent news (circa May 17, 2018) has me concerned. The likelihood of a nuclear war started because two egomaniacal personalities wanted to show the other who wears the larger boots.

This week the on-again, off-again summit regarding denuclearization was on and actually happened. The pair met quasi privately in Singapore. Some argue that all the posturing was simply a game of chicken. That’s a dangerous game to play when it comes to human lives.

Now that the first dance has happened, what will be the actual next steps remains to be seen. There were promises made and understandings reached. The trouble is, both of these men are notorious for being unreliable with regard to treaties and pacts. Their loyalty is to their own selves and their own egos with regard to who sees them as the most powerful. Praise today only becomes grounds for termination within three days later.

Still, there has been some groundwork completed in regard to actual communication between the two countries after more than 60 years of ostracism and hate. It still looks like an alliance that’s being formed in anticipation of World War III, the Armageddon, wherein the entire globe will be annihilated. Unfortunately, it appears the U.S. will be a type of Holocaust Germany this time around. And we’ll be taking lessons from Leader Kim on how to rule the populace.

Yesterday (June 13) had a flurry of citizen journalists who were sharing summaries of the Summit from various sources. According to Jim Julian,

I just read the summary of the Singapore Summit on CNN and on Fox News. Were there two different summits? It would seem so reading this coverage.

All Americans MUST have multiple news sources and compare or risk being manipulated and misinformed.. As I’ve said before. I have three different news apps on my iPhone: CNN, Fox and BBC … three different worlds.

Wise deduction.

Perhaps I’m being overly pessimistic. A recent conversation illuminated the sensibleness of the bravado of our leader and how it is strategically wise. The words will need to be pondered and (you know me by now) researched in order to learn more.

Meanwhile, it would be wise to learn about disaster recovery and strategies to use in cases of attack and active shooter.

It’s unfortunate that our space program seems to have come to a halt. It would be good to have an escape hatch when the “big red button” is actually pushed.


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